Thread: I'm on board
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Old 07-28-2013, 07:35 AM   #3 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Jasen View Post
My interest in building an XR3 is basically what brought me here. The XR3 build is still on hold until I get myself dug out from one of those hick-ups life can toss at you. I'm a member of the XR3 yahoo group and have been doing a lot of cranial design, i.e. power plant, lighting, seating, windows and yes redesigning the front clip. For those that know of the XR3, that thing on the nose is the vented engine cover, the motor sticks out of the hood a bit.
I was looking more at the XR3 and I saw its engine is longitudinally-mounted, which seems to have pushed for the need of that hood scoop for clearance.

Have you ever considered to use a transversely-mounted engine instead? That might help to deal with the clearance issue and get the weight closer to the center of the vehicle.
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