Thread: Another noob
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Old 07-28-2013, 07:47 AM   #8 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Jasen View Post
yes the v8 swap is pretty much a direct bolt in, with the awd the oil pan needs to be modded to clear the front diff.
One thing I'm lurking for a long time is to make a custom composite oil pan, inspired in the one of the Detroit Diesel Series 60 engine which used a fiberglass one. If you would ever perform a V8 or any other engine swap into the Astro, that's something you could eventually also consider.

unfortunately the xr3 wont be able to replace the van, at this point anyway, unless i get on a job site secure enough to actually leave them on site, and i have to many tools to trailer with the xr3. it would start out as a grocery getter and afford use the fuel savings to get out and about more, and take some road trips.
I'd recommend a teardrop-shaped enclosed trailer instead of a plain utility trailer exactly due to security concerns, not just for weather protection. Well, since you wanna take some road trips, it might still be worth to consider one to haul the luggage
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