Thread: Artificial Lawn
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Old 07-28-2013, 08:55 AM   #24 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Daekar View Post
Do what we do: embrace the chaos. Have weeds? Just mow them. Have clover? Congratulations, clover is a nitrogen fixer that is improving the quality of your soil even as it grows. The whole "perfect yard" thing is complete BS. We and all our neighbors mow and don't bag (why remove the clippings when nature will break them down into fertilizer?), nobody fertilizes, and nobody uses weed killer. Nobody waters either... watering is unnecessary if the grass mixture in your yard is suitable for your climate. If it's not the correct stuff, you ARE fighting nature.

I would contact your state extension agency (for those that don't know, Extension exists to disseminate agricultural research data gathered by public universities) and ask what they advise for a low maintenance well-adapted lawn. If they're worth the tax dollars they're paid, they should have a solution already, and even some scholarly papers they can point towards. Even if the information wasn't generated by your state agency, as long as it's from a state of similar climate it won't matter.
Before I started to live in apartments, all the houses I lived got lawn in both yards. Me and my dad usually just mowed everything, but we had to remove the clippings or my mom would be complaining (that's all she does anyways). I don't remember to have ever watered lawn, neither when I lived in Manaus (in the Amazon jungle) or in Florianópolis (in the shore), both cities with a humid climate.

I would just not be so sure about contacting the state extension agency, unless there are some folks who crop grass commercially back there.
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