Originally Posted by duncan
Hi Adam
Have you looked at Headway?
Not as good as A123 but 10C continuous and 15C burst
Also a LOT easier to make a decent pack
You end up with about 10Kwhrs and 150Hp per 100Kg
Mine are several years old and have now been superseded, I think the new ones are more powerful
My first choice was Headways, but they started to become harder to get. I might look into them again.
I have always thought about using Turnigy LIPO cells as a last resort. They have the power I want and the capacity too. Its only the downside of safety. Isaac from UAF and I have been working on ways to make them more EV friendly and we might have a good system for keeping them in check. Once this is proven, I will feel better about it and say for sure that I will use them.