Originally Posted by Fat Charlie
You can get killed getting out of bed in the morning. Turn off the hysterical "news" channel of your choice, relax a bit and get over yourself.
How many blowouts have you had? Per 100,000 miles traveled? How many blowouts have people you know had... per 100,000 miles traveled?
I've never had a blowout, but I have had flats. Been okay. I've had other mechanical failures. I'm more likely to pick up a winning powerball ticket from the gutter than I am to have a blowout in a situation that I can't recover from. I'm taking more of a risk putting money in my 401k than I am when I'm driving.
Zero (Though I was a passenger when one happened under 20 MPH in a turn) And I don't think I drove as many as 20,000 miles and I haven't had my driving license for three years as of this posting time.