Originally Posted by mikeyjd
I'm not saying the majority of drivers won't be interested in bigger, faster, stronger. But there are people that value efficiency quite highly and even in the "pickups" sector might make their decision based on the efficiency of options available.
From what I can see, the majority of pickup truck buyers either...
1. Have legitimate uses for a heavy duty chassis and V8 power
2. Like to make themselves think the purchase is justified
3. Take great pleasure in wasting energy while simultaneously annoying us efficiency minded people. Because it's "their right as Americans".
Anyway, the real reason people speed in this country is the old adage,
"Hurry up and wait."
The faster you get to your destination, the more you can complain about how slow the service is. Shave 60 seconds off your 15 minute drive, and wait for three minutes at McDonald's. It makes people feel good that they can get there as soon as humanly possible, so all the 'blame' goes to whoever's on the receiving end of their patronage.
Anyway, that's my over-analyzed take on it. "I GOTTA GET THERE RIGHT NOW!"