I honestly don't mind how people blitz all the straights. Except for the occasional true-idiot, most of them slide around me without much bother. I do wish people would speed the hell up around corners, though. On my commute home, there's a big downhill with a turn at the bottom, in a 50 zone (on a freeway! Portland is weird). Anyway, this turn is nothing. The CRX with its El Cheapo tires must be good for at least 90 around this thing and the Dakota might be able to consider challenging a buck. Almost everyone drops anchor and goes through at ~35, before putting the hammer down for a drag race to 59.9 again. How many dollars worth of gas and brake pads has this corner-phobia burned through? I don't ask that people go Tokyo Drift on this thing, but there seriously ain't a car built that won't take this thing at 55 with TONS of wiggle room.