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Old 08-02-2013, 07:22 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by renault_megane_dci View Post
2. misunderstanding of the acronym I believe, DWB is Drive Without Brakes, you don't need to use the clutch for that.
Maybe you were thinking about coasting ?

What I did was shift early and try not to ride too fast.

On top of that you could go for a sprocket change (bigger front, smaller back) to have the engine spin slower for a given speed and have the engine under more load (which means more throttle hence less pumping loss)

Re-jetting is not gonna do wonders, they are quite lean to start with for emissions control.
Actually I recall reading about a BMW R100 that picked up a few mpg with "power" jetting.
specificlly, wouldn't the DWB method be to pull in the clutch so you can coast the most distance? or do you coast up to a stoplight by just closing the throttle?

I've gone up 1 tooth in the front, and the bike acts like can go more, I did find "Gearing Commander" from this fourm, so when I figure out the best RPM range to cruise at, I can gear it maybe a touch higher.

Random question, how much does having the front fairing removed cost? (I was patching the plastics)
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