Personally, I think that aileron is going to create lift when it forces a bunch of air down.
The kammback works by gently reducing the roof's high air pressure before it hits the low pressure wake. It allows the air to do what it likes, in an organized manner.
The aileron is forcing high pressure air directly into the wake. It forces the air into doing what it wants the air to do.
Not to mention leaving the sides open... just look at old wind tunnel studies of airplane wings and you'll see this is a bad idea. If you try to build a test prototype of this it's going to be hard enough to get it right, and if you want to have stabilizing fins on the ends, or bend the thing down with the C-pillar angle, you're definitely going to need a wind tunnel and a Master's in aerodynamics.
I predict the aileron will produce big, unpredictable vortexes and probably increase drag. Feel free to go prove me wrong, though!