please dont run them worn out centers down here.
Here in Mississippi it seems like were on par for record rainfall.
I will tell ya now that those worn centers would eventually put ya in a ditch!
It rained so hard here yesterday there was 1/4"+ covering the road for 80 % of my drive home.
I averaged 31 mph and at 5 car lengths and that speed or less could just make out the flashers of car b4.
I have 3/16" tread on back that just touches the wear indicators and felt car rear end break away 5 times. "not counting large puddles either"
If you run 1/8" or less centers on the front of your truck your asking for trouble.
Sell them on craigs list for $20 to someone else who doesnt care who they kill on the hiway and get new ones! mi2cntz.