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Old 06-25-2008, 09:36 PM   #22 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Originally Posted by AXMonster View Post
I guess its difficult for you guys in the US as you don't have the lane specific requirements we have here in the UK. Our first lane (inside lane) is the main lane, and the other two (or sometimes more) lanes are for overtaking. So I can quite safely sit in the inside lane at 55 as cars will pass me in the middle lane, and faster cars pass them in the outside lane. So I can be at 55 while others are 90+
That is how it is supposed to be but no one follows it. I regularly ride in the slow lane because it is the fastest.

I don't see how some of you say going 15 over is perfectly ok and then say 15 over is dangerous. Some of you even want to lobby for 55MPH limits.

I like the other idea of having certain speed limits for each lane. The slow lane you can go 15 under
The middle lane you can go the speed limit and the fast lane is where you go 15 over.

When I drive the car I generally drive at the speed limit. When I am on the bike I generally cruise at 15 over.

Different vehicles work differently at varying speeds.

15MPH under can be just as dangerous as 15MPH over.
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