Thread: Me and my Van
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Old 08-06-2013, 07:29 PM   #9 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Christ View Post
I'd love to put the OM617 into the 2500 Chevy, but it'd be a waste of time. The truck weighs 8450 pulling my 16' utility trailer, which puts it at about 7,000 on it's own, and I've crossed scales at 21k with it already [It's not registered to handle that, but that's beside the point]. The OM617 wouldn't even /begin/ to handle the loads that the 6.0 can, and thus would defeat the whole purpose of having the truck in the first place.
That would be really overkill, as I said previously, altough I have already seen some 3.0L turbodiesels performing the same jobs that the 6.0L does, such as the 4JJ1-TC from the Isuzu NPR Eco-Max. BTW is the 6.0L stock? Have you never ever even lurked about getting a cam with the same profile of the one from the Tahoe hybrid, which is also a 6.0L, and to fit it with a supercharger?
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