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Old 08-06-2013, 08:38 PM   #11 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by biggygomez View Post
ive been trying to sell my gf on one for years but she says if i put any more power in my truck it will kill me probably because shes seen my truck race

but i like the concept more power needs less work to get down the road
And the point with the supercharged combined to a raised compression ratio and a cam profiled to feature a longer intake timing is actually not exactly for power, but to increase efficiency. The longer valve timing is to simulate a power stroke longer than the compression stroke, generating a discompression which decreases the pumping losses, altough power and torque also fall, with the raised static compression ratio to keep the dynamic compression ratio closer to stock, and the supercharger to overcome the power and torque losses from the discompression. That was known as Miller cycle, and was more usual in stationary and marine engines, altough Mazda and Nissan featured it into some cars. The so-called Atkinson cycle featured in many hybrids such as the Prius is basically a Miller without the supercharger, altough it's not the real Atkinson (which featured an articulated crankshaft which really provided a power stroke effectively longer than the compression stroke).

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