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Old 08-08-2013, 12:47 PM   #68 (permalink)
Gen II Prianista
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I suspect that the reasons why some folks routinely exceed the PSL is a complex, changeable, self justifying mix of many underlying factors including one or more of:
1. unsophisticated personal definition of 'freedom'.
2. misconstrued 'pursuit of happiness."
3. no clearly defined injured party for exceeding PSL
4. overblown sense of personal importance and primacy of personal beliefs
5. no appreciation of long term effects of a high speed accident; death/physical injury, legal, financial, emotional, social.
6. over reliance on modern safety systems; design and construction of vehicle and roadway.
7. expectation that a good lawyer will 'beat the rap.'
8. failure to have an individual commitment to the social contract necessary to sustain accident-free travel at high speeds.
9. expectation that other drivers do or must share these same character deficiencies.
!0… (Add your own observations.)
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