Something that has been on my mind.
As i have been doing heavy research preparing for my first motorcycle conversion, i have had this idea I've been thinking about and was hoping to get some feedback from others. My idea came from my favorite arcade game as a child - Pole Position. Where there was two gears; low and high. i know direct drive electric conversions have no transmission, the game still sits in my head. You drove so fast, and from "shifting" from low to high, you went faster. And that's where my idea came from. Now, if i converted a motorcycle to electric, the the throttle, from 0% to 100% is 0 to 40-45 mph. While not do a foot pedal switch type shifter to split that? Maybe 0-20 mph, and then let off the throttle, push the foot pedal down, then 21to 40-45 mph. Something on the lines of "low gear" having resistors or a step down converter of some kind to drop the voltage to the motor, "high gear" being 48v direct. Maybe the foot pedal to a single pole double throw button or switch, on-off-on, when the bike is on, the switch is off on defualt... neutral, then down once for low, down again for high, down a third time for low..... momentary foot switch to SPDT- home position is zero, each single momentary input of 1 to the SPDT switches between off, on, and on, and so forth. Sorry for the long post, I get to thinking and my mind doesn't shut off with ideas.