Originally Posted by roosterk0031
I'm calculating E% based on the local tuners say all E85 is actually E70, one of these day I'll get a gradulated cylinder to measure blend %.
There you are Rooster, I was going to ask about the old testing thread. I tried searching for it but didn't find it.
That also reminds me that I also need to get a cylinder for testing E85. I saw the Quickfuel one specifically for E85 but it was $20. Right now I'm calculating E% with a spreadsheet and assuming it's E85 and Regular is E10. It's cheaper that way but the accuracy isn't what I would like. :/
I was a bit nervous about pumping too much E85 the first time but redid the calculations 2 or 3 times just to ease my mind. Hoping to work up to E30 but the price spread is 25 cents!