Originally Posted by justme1969
If the dynamic load bearing surfaces are 18 to 20 degrees the quantified latent load with subtracted cross vector shift over the varying surface irregularitys would be equal to the cd?
LOL I love ya aerohead. better check my points for clarity now.
Yep,I'm gonna need some expanded data to have any chance at an intelligible response.
*The entire structure is exposed to dynamic loading,whether positive or negative,so we need to be really specific.
*The 18 to 20 degree angles need a context as to flow orientation as there should be curvature in the forebody,and angles tangent to any segment of the curve will vary as a function of there specific position.
*'Latent load' is a psychrometric term applying to total enthalpy of an air mass.Would we be talking about kinetic energy potential,'equipotential' of the discreet streamline flow filaments at a given body position?
*And the term 'cross vector',are we talking about spanwise,transverse,flow induced by the yawed,crosswind 'relative wind' flowing at angle to the body centerline?
*I'm not certain about surface irregularities.On an aircraft we'd be experiencing transverse contamination of the forebody's laminar boundary layer,triggering early transition to T.B.L.,increasing drag;as aircraft drag is dominated by skin friction,which would really suffer from the T.B.L..
On a car or bike we'd always be in T.B.L. and irregularities might not really aggravate drag.'features-drag' would already be integrated into the Cd and if build quality were uniform it might not matter which direction the flow was coming from as far as drag.
*The body form,in cross-flow could induce a yawing moment which would not be present in zero wind due to the center of pressure moving around.Today,this would at least show up in the wind tunnel during yawing tests,whether as model or full-scale.
*Since 1978,directional stability has been a non-issue,after Morelli's work at the Pininfarina tunnel.The low,rounded nose,and reflexed tail,with stabilizing fins/rear-wheel fairings produce a zero-lift body of remarkable side-wind stability.
*As far as Dymaxion Car is concerned,no automaker would build such a design today.It was absolutely fabulous in 1934,but is eclipsed by later technology.
*help me with more data.A sketch would be great!