Originally Posted by SentraSE-R
Are you folks are still arguing?
No, we're not, as apparently we put the argument to rest. Unless you insist upon continuing it...
To the ones who say you can't do it (we impede traffic, it's illegal, no one else does it, ad nauseum), poppycock.
Can't do
WHAT? Please tell us what you think you or "we" "can't do". And tell us who
you think is preventing
you or anyone else from driving as slowly as you want to.
You have the privilege of driving slowly, providing you are not on a highway with a minimum speed limit. No one is taking that option away from you or anyone else.
YES! Please - by all means DO IT!!! Enjoy your slow ride.

But it's time to stop complaining about any disapproval some may have voiced, and put it into perspective. After a 20 page thread we've mentioned many situations and scenarios and they all come down to the same basic principle: keep to the right to let others pass. So simply put, enjoy your slower ride as long as you
don't do your slow jam in the leftmost, or passing lane. In other words, don't be a
road hog or wannabe traffic cop, imposing your personal preferences upon anyone else by deliberately slowing the flow of other traffic.
Let faster drivers drive in the left lanes, and slower drivers drive in the right lanes. Faster on the left, slower on the right - it's really simple. It's not only a simple solution, but it's safest for everyone on the road. That includes letting the speeders, "rednecks" (although that pejorative term has nothing to do with speeding) and everyone else you might disapprove of, who wants to drive faster than you, to pass you.
They may piss away more $$$ than you on gasoline and they may get a speeding ticket.
Let 'em! That's not our concern.