Originally Posted by XYZ
I believe it. Actually during late hours many fatal accidents are caused not only by drunken drivers, but by drivers who fall asleep at the wheel. Falling asleep while driving is just as deadly as drunk driving - maybe even more so.
If the cop follows you and he finds that you are going slower and slower, his suspicion is reasonable.
I completely agree! This is one reason why I do not P&G except in very limited circumstances - inconsistent throttle control would be a major red flag, especially during the hours of my commute.
In the case in question, the issue of going slower and slower does not really apply unless the magnitude is really quite significant, since the nature of this hill (would be called a mountain in some parts of the country) is such that many 4-cylinder cars are hard-pressed to ascend it without wide open throttle to avoid slowing down, and even then many slow down anyway. This particular cop was simply hoping to find something, intoxication or other offense, after using the speed as an excuse to pull someone over.
I have been pulled over once when I was extremely fatigued but obligated to make a trip by financial necessity, and I believe that I owe my life to the trooper who did it, thanks to the stimulating effect and the unambiguous realization that I was not fit to continue driving. That ticket was an inexpensive fee to pay for the preservation of my vehicle and my life, not to mention the safety of others on the road.