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Old 08-13-2013, 03:43 AM   #7 (permalink)
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dremd -- Darn—now I gots to get off my butt.

Have you thrown together a model WITH the tow vehicle to look at airflow? Maybe you could fit in more interior space on the front if it's within the template. Of course you'd want to accomodate about 15* of yaw in the air flow as well.
I didn't address this. It intended to be generic, but it's 1"=1". I'll look for a Barbie doll.

The three straight segments are distributed along the teardrop curve. That's really low resolution. Overlaid in 2D the two corners overlap about as much as a circle overlaps a square of equal perimeter. The Classical problem; squaring the circle, via eyeball engineering.

Adjusting the relative side lengths changes the angles.It happens that with ~3, 4, and 5ft sides the front angle is ~45° and the middle side are parallel. If you sharpen the nose the middle sides taper to the rear, for instance.

Cross section at yaw angles is less, is it not? OMG
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