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Old 08-13-2013, 02:48 AM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
This is one of the reasons why I broke up with an extremely hot, young and sweet girl. Despite her many extremely attractive qualities, she was very driven by emotion.

When I met her, she drove a late model Aveo. One day she called me up saying a salesman wanted to sell her a new Aveo in a really cute color and credit her trade-in. She called me under the guise of asking my advise, but what she really wanted was for me to validate her irrational desire for the crappy car and horrible financial decision.

I validated her enthusiasm, but mentioned that it wasn't a sound financial decision and, at the very least, needed to sleep on the idea before committing to it. Perhaps I should have told her that our relationship hinged on her at least waiting 24hrs to make a decision, but if it wasn't the stupid Aveo, it would have eventually been many other things that drove me crazy. Needless to say, she traded in for the damned car. It took me 6 months and 3 break ups to finally end things. (did I mention she had many attractive qualities).

Men are just as irrational as women when it comes to purchasing vehicles. Women might buy a car because it's cute and red, but men just as often buy a car because it's macho and fast. There is no denying that a woman's interest in a man can be influenced by the vehicle he drives, and men know this.

Women have said I look manly driving my big truck, and they have said I look hot riding my sport bike, but none have said anything about being attracted to me driving a practical Subaru Legacy.

My point is that women are crazy, and so are men.
So based on that, it seems we could argue that women are crazy because they are women, and men are crazy for the sake of women... ;-)
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