Originally Posted by wdb
I got some fabulous MPGs when I worked second shift. I also got a lot of P&G practice in. All due, as you said, to the lower volume of traffic on the roads.
I also worried about being pulled over by police, and in fact I was pulled over more than once, during the late night portion of my commute. It didn't matter what *speed* I drove; what mattered far more was what *car* I drove. (Vehicular profiling?!?) It also seemed to me to simply be a matter of changing odds. In the daytime, there are 1,000 or 10,000 'civilian' vehicles to every police cruiser; at night the number seemed to me to be more like to 100 to 1. I saw police cars everywhere, all the time, at night.
May I ask what car it was that you were driving that subjected you to vehicular profiling? I'm not surprised you had it happen, I see police out as well. As my car does the opposite of attract attention, I haven't yet been pulled, but I have had the delicious experience of watching cars fly by at high speed, only to see them pulled over 2 miles later. I do love that.