Originally Posted by JamesLaugesen
Race circuits have the "you're responsible for everything in front of you" rule and cover mirrors and speedo for a reason. There's no problem when everyone is focused in the same direction.
Wow, that is one way to do it. Doesn't this lead to silly accidents like people wandering over into a guy coming up on them? The overtaker should hit the brakes but if he's already along side....
On the highway I think hypermiling requires a balance between your right to good mileage and how many people you are going to piss off, even if you are perfectly within your rights.
If you are going to teach everyone a "lesson" that you can do whatever is legal on the road, then you are setting your self up as a target for someone having a really bad day!
You have to read the situation, holding people up on a 2 lane road for miles eventually will lead to someone someday trying a stupid pass... Not your fault but you could end paying for their mistake.
On divided 4 lane highways, holding people up for a moment before they can pass on the left isn't as risky.
As you can see by signature I'm not getting super good mileage as most of my driving is commuting on 2 lane roads so there is only so much I can do when other people are going to work. On the same route later in the evening I can get 5mpg better but doing that in the commuting hours isn't worth the stress and increased risk.