Not changed the (# define RISING 3) (# define FALLING 2), because I use the pin 2 and 3, which amends and the INT0 and INT1, which belongs to pins 20 and 21.
Part code of injectors.
injectorSettleTime = injhold;
//int0Func = processInjOpen; // original code
int4Func = processInjOpen; // code changed
//int1Func = processInjClosed; // original code
int5Func = processInjClosed; // code changed
//set up the external interrupts
//EICRB = (EICRB & ~((1 << ISC00) | (1 << ISC01))) // original code
EICRB = (EICRB & ~((1 << ISC40) | (1 << ISC41))) // code changed
//| ((parms[injEdgeIdx] == 1 ? RISING : FALLING) << ISC00); // original code
| ((parms[injEdgeIdx] == 1 ? RISING : FALLING) << ISC40); // code changed
//EIMSK |= (1 << INT0); // original code
EIMSK |= (1 << INT4); // code changed
//EICRB = (EICRB & ~((1 << ISC10) | (1 << ISC11))) // original code
EICRB = (EICRB & ~((1 << ISC50) | (1 << ISC51))) // code changed
//| ((parms[injEdgeIdx] == 1 ? FALLING : RISING) << ISC10); // original code
| ((parms[injEdgeIdx] == 1 ? FALLING : RISING) << ISC50); // code changed
//EIMSK |= (1 << INT1); // original code
EIMSK |= (1 << INT5);
The value of "# define vssBit (1 << 0)" is not the bit value of the pin?
Or put the value of the pin?
The pin that I use is the "A8" which uses pin "62" on the arduino mega.
If you have something wrong, please correct me.
As shown in the video, the program starts fine, but then when I trigger any of the buttons does a reset type, do not know what causes it.
If I can help I thank
José Rodrigues