Originally Posted by jeff88
We all know lead-acid batteries are pretty horrific environmentally speaking
I don't understand your comment.
My lead acid batteries are made out of recycled lead and recycled acid and the cases are recycled plastic, as is the case with nearly everyone's lead acid batteries, they are also recycled in some amazing facilities that were built with the condition that the ground and water be tested for contamination on a regular bases along with free heavy metal testing for anyone living near by.
Find me any other industry that is that is less "environmentally horrific", I'd rather live next to a battery factory then pretty much any other industry.
Batteries made out of Potatoes on the other hand are pretty nasty, you are taking a high energy food and sticking a big chunk of copper and chunk of zinc in it, both of those metals are devastating to the environment to mine and refine and often end up in the trash instead of being recycled, the power output from the potato is also extremely low.