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Old 08-18-2013, 05:42 PM   #3 (permalink)
In Lean Burn Mode
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Originally Posted by Frank Lee View Post
I wondered about such a thing with my car, but I use it so little and the car is so little I kinda dropped it. Don't want to carry a big heavy vessel in the car either.

But for you and a big truck, there might be enough easily recoverable energy to be worth it!
I was going to do this with my Talon but 417 lbs worth of water plus the weight of the heater and the space the tank would take up I would only be able to deliver one pint of paint.LOL

My truck has always bother me trying to figure a way to make it eat less fuel and keep it mostly stock. So I figured why not just transfer some energy to my garage with it since I'm paying for the fuel anyway?
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