I don't think you'll be splitting lanes with a 3 wheeler. You can ride a motorcycle without a license? (legally I mean)
I was going to do a 3 wheeler once upon a time, but abandoned the idea after realizing that with the front end needing to be wider, the steering geometry of the quad front end would be off and make for too much wheel scrubbing. That, and I didn't have the technical skill (nor time or money) to reliably correct that. (and I still don't
I'm doing a Vetter fairing for my Honda Reflex scooter. (slowly, but surely). Kind of funny you mention airplanes. A neighbor out walking his dog could no longer overcome his curiosity and finally approached me one day to ask what I was building. When I told him, he kind of chuckled and told me that he thought I was building an airplane.
BTW, I met the guy that built the HyperRocket at a gas station to deliver some quad mag wheels with car tires mounted that he bought from me. He used them on the front of the HyperRocket and some other time used motorcycle wheels and tires up front for better fuel economy. (less wheel scrubbing with the narrower MC wheels and tires)
Good luck with your project. keep us posted. Maybe I'll see what could have been....