Measured fuel consumption data from Finnish car magazine called Tekniikan Maailma aka TM.
There are measured fuel consumption data at speeds from 60,80,100 and 120 km/h.
Work is not mine, but should be accurate. They usually use flow meters in fuel lines in their tests. Test are done year around so some test are at winter conditions. they have regular test route which they use. Speed limits are higher on summer so they claim it will even out the difference of cold weather.
Might require google account to use.
If you press the buttons it will sort the list from best to worse.
Melu = Noise
Kulutus = fuel consumption
kulutus kaupunki = city fuel consumption
Rengaskoko=tire size
rengasmerkki=tyre mark
välitykset= gear ratios
For rest details you can use google translate