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Old 08-19-2013, 01:54 PM   #13 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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I've forgot to inquire you previously, but is the engine air-cooled, right?

Originally Posted by Christ View Post
I'm good at 18HP, honestly. There's so little traffic around here in the areas I need to go 45 or so, acceleration is just one of those 'gotta do it eventually' things.
If you can work around to improve the gear selection, it might help to overcome the issues brought by such low power. Anyway, if a BMW 120i only needs 20hp to cruise at 60MPH at its taller gear, you might find your way with 18hp into the Festiva...

I do plan on lightening the car up
Lightening it up is essentially a must for such project. Well, you could eventually get some custom-made fiberglass panels to replace the stock tailgate, doors, front hood and fenders, and to get a slightly better aerodynamic profile on them. A single-piece front clip without gaps between the hood and fenders, with some built-in aerodynamic inserts, and a tailgate with a built-in spoiler, might be a good way to save a few pounds while also improving its aerodynamic profile without making it look like a space shuttle.
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