Originally Posted by sheepdog 44
Well, you can buy a decent old bike in good mechanical shape for under $500 (in the winter). Or a glider that's practically free and buy a new motor for it. If you try to buy a car at that price, it's liable to be rusted to pieces and completely unreliable.
With the purchase cost so favorable, a motorcycle seems to be a reasonable choice when there is no need for the higher cargo capacity of a car, or for the enclosed cabin and trunk. And it's hardly even possible to fix decently a rust-bucket for under $500.
You can get a good discount on last model year 250cc starter bikes here. People only use them for less than 1,000 miles before they want something that goes like stink.
Back here, to get a motorcycle license the test must be performed at least in a 125cc motorcycle. What is deemed back there as a "starter" bike is hardly affordable by many folks in 3rd-world countries, like mine