It would appear as though your correct. Complex stuff aside when I think about it swapping 1-4 and 2-3 would do absolutely nothing because of one of the fundamental ways DIS systems work.
Focus on 1-4 here
As you note they're on the same individual coil. When that coil fires it naturally fires towards the spark plug experiencing the highest pressure through the head across the gap on the opposite plug (weaker this time) and back to the coil. Then it swaps direction on the next firing because a different coil is under compression. Which cylinder is under compression determines which fires not whatever plug wire is on what end of that coil.
After pouring over this and with your input its my belief that swapping 1/4 and 2/3 on the passengers side coil (or any coil) will do absolutely NOTHING good or bad. That coil will still fire the same plug at the same time it'll just do so on the opposite terminal
Too much junk to list. From a 10mpg caddy limo to a 5 speed Saturn