One interesting example of the way manufacturers determine the numbers that go on the door post.
The Chevrolet Aveo 1.3D LT is one of the cheapest diesels you can buy over here, because it is so economical that it is excempt from luxury tax. By the barest of margins; but they made it, thats what counts.
Can you feel it coming? You should
Chevrolet recommends (for this model&over here) a tire pressure of
3.0 bar or 42 PSI...!
They call it the ECO mode; and that pressure was what the car was tested with.
They also advice a Comfort setting of 2.4 bar or 35 PSI.
A tire fitting company's website advises 2.1 bar (30 PSI). And please visit us soon for the next set

Even Americorean Iron grips the air pump when it suits them for whatever reason.
The test with the
AMG Mercedes on skinny tires is fun to watch, but remember it could only be done in the wet.
The car has so much power and the total tire thread surface is so small that it would immediately overheat the tires when drifting in the dry.
It has very little to do with pressure or contact patch size. Needless to say, the heat gets spread as the whole thread will contact the road at each rotation.
Whether or not the tire can handle the heat depends on the size of the thread surface and the amount of power transferred to heat by friction during the power slides.
Space savers are no match for the hundreds of kilowatts the AMG can waste on them.
On our daily drivers we usually avoid the prolonged power slides. Our tires won't heat up like that. Nor would raising the pressure cause more heat because of the smaller contact patch; it does not change the total thread size (and if it does then it is just preventing the deeper flexing and friction from that at lower pressure). Nothing special.
Got a triatlon bike with 8-10 bar tires (110-140 PSI). Both the inner tube and tire itself are almost paper thin. The only reason that they can stand the pressure is that they are so narrow; the tube radius is very small, about a centimeter. As the stress on the tube increases linearly with radius, these tires actually endure less stress than car tires.
2011 Honda Insight + HID, LEDs, tiny PV panel, extra brake pad return springs, neutral wheel alignment, 44/42 PSI (air), PHEV light (inop), tightened wheel nut.

lifetime FE over 0.2 Gigameter or 0.13 Megamile.

For confirmation go to people just like you.
For education go to people unlike yourself.