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Old 08-23-2013, 04:56 PM   #94 (permalink)
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Read it.
Reaching limits of a finite world is a subject that does not easily fit into any one subject area, so the subject tends to be missed by researchers concentrating on one field of study.

The closest fit came in the analysis The Limits to Growth (Donella Meadows et al, Universe books, 1972).
Gail Tverberg needs to discover Buckminster Fuller. Really.

Use of fossil fuels did not grow by themselves. Their use was facilitated by the development of improved technology, which provided the vehicle for their use. Increased debt also facilitated fossil fuel use, because it allowed potential buyers to afford the new products being developed, and provided companies doing energy extraction funds for their work.
Even when oil price drops, this is not necessarily a good sign. It may mean that some oil extraction companies will no longer be able to afford to add new wells, because production will not be sufficiently profitable at the new lower price. It may also mean that some oil exporting nations will not be able to get enough tax revenue from oil operations to fund programs (food subsidies, for example) that prevent revolt.
So debt and high extraction costs are what stand between us and disaster?

As a counterpoint I would suggest:
Nitrogen fixing bacteria will enable all plants to get nitrogen without fertilizer
What would it do to Gail's actuarial tables if sourcing, transporting, and remediation of fertilizer use was off the table?

What if 3x expensive window glass would eliminate heaters, coolers and ducting full of microbes?

I welcome high energy prices (he says) because people need some impetus to change their low-down ways.
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