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Old 08-23-2013, 07:12 PM   #4 (permalink)
Frank Lee
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Originally Posted by svt98t View Post
I do agree with being aware of your surroundings. There are times and places for everything. Like today on the way to work. I drove the speed limit. The person behind me keep tailgating me. I have a 5.5 miles drive to work, she was behind me for about 3 miles of it.
The best part?
She was going to the exact place I was going. Ha.
Most people around, even on 2 lane roads, don't tailgate me while I'm doing the speed limit. They just hang back and chill. This was the first incident in a long time.

-ryan s.
Did she have a phone stuck to her head the whole time? Then she was lost in space; phone zombies find a rear bumper to latch onto when they fall into their driving comas.

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