Originally Posted by cbaber
For example, I would never go 15 under on a 2 lane highway with traffic, even though it is legal.
Except for where it isn't.
There's a bunch of PDFs with the sections on speed (too high and too slow) for all the US States. Nowhere have I found a compilation of all the State's minimum speed or impeding traffic laws or rules in an easy to read (ie where it's all on one page instead of having to download 50 separate files) format.
For example, here's the part in Idaho's law.
I. No person shall drive a motor vehicle at such slow speed as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic except when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation or in compliance with the law. '49-655
Check your State's laws. It could save you a ticket from an officer who can't find anyone else to cite.
Excerpting all the "slowing" rules from those files into a single page would be a useful resource for Ecomodder.com
Most States also have a rule that on a more than 2 lane road drivers must move to the left lane and slow down for any emergency vehicle stopped at the side of the road, or must pull to the outside of the road and slow down or stop for a moving emergency vehicle. Curiously, the District of Columbia does not have such a law.
When I'm driving at the speed limit and some $#%& blows past me, I always wish for a cop hiding up ahead to nail them.

Likewise when there's someone tottling along at 45 on 65 MPH two-lane US 95 I wish for a cop up ahead to nail them.
What is *extremely* annoying is a tailgater who refuses to pass when there's no safety reason to not pass so they can go speeding off to hopefully get a ticket. Many times I've had to pull over and stop to get some a-hole tailgater (about 99% of the time a full size pickup truck) to pass. About half the time the a-hole honks and yells all kinds of obscenities at me for ending their jerky fun.
From 1998 to 2000 I drove 156 miles from Weiser, ID to Grangeville, ID and back at least once almost every week. In all that time I saw ONE pickup truck pulled over and it was a small one. Full size pickups were apparently immune to any sort of traffic citation, even when I was going the limit and a pickup would blast past me at warp speed right in front of a State cop sitting by the road.