I confidently drive 55mph. If anyone wants to go faster, they can pull around. If I'm inconveniencing a truck driver, I don't give two thoughts to the situation as I'm going his speed limit.
If a police officer ever pulls me over, I'll be courteous and tell him my reasoning. If I get a ticket, I'll contest it in court. I'm not the one being unsafe on the freeway by creating a speed differential. There are two ends of the spectrum. The end blatantly breaking the law is the one at fault.
Cops need to learn to pull speeders over. It is a very rare day I see a CHP behind a motorist on the freeway. The problem with cops is that they are speeders off the clock. You don't catch a rat with another rat.
I drive as intelligently and responsibly as I know how. My only responsibility is to "save" myself and those willing to be helped.
- LostCause
Last edited by LostCause; 06-26-2008 at 09:03 PM..