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Old 08-27-2013, 12:00 PM   #4 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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To anyone recommending diesel power, I’d love to have diesel power, for many reasons besides increased fuel mileage. However, reality rears its ugly head in the form of $$$$ or lack of $$$$. If I were to go to diesel power it would be far simpler just to buy a used diesel powered RV. Probably won’t happen anytime soon.

The 4 cylinder Caravan is okay, however what I'm really concerned about is the 7mpg RV. As far as the Caravan's concerned, though it’s rated at 150hp it doesn’t have the torque of a V6 with equivalent hp. I had a 1998 Caravan with a 150 hp V6 and it actually got slightly better gas mileage than this 4 cylinder does. I really liked that V6 Caravan, but with 286K on the odometer, a bad AT and a leaking condenser on the AC it was time to sell it. It still ran great, if it were just the AT I probably would’ve fixed it, but with the bad AC and living in Houston at the time, it was time to say byebye.

I’ve thought of selling the Caravan but it’s so nice to live in while exploring the countryside, I hate to give that up. I wish it had a standard transmission, but I doubt if they were even made for the car.

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