I... don't... like... ellipsis...
With that out of the way, I can know what comes out of Ecomodded Prizm's tailpipe from last year's smog test paperwork: 14.8% CO2, 143 ppm NOx, .23% CO, and 22 ppm HC with a missing thermostat, the oxygen sensor, cap, rotor, and spark plug wires worn out, and the car sitting for a year.
I've replaced the cap, rotor, thermostat, spark plugs and wires. The car was cleaner than what it replaced by a long shot (7.4 L engine with 3 speed automatic in a chevy suburban.) Oil change is 7500 miles according to the GM manual, 9000 miles according to the Toyota big yellow book (the geo prizm is a toyota built car.) The 19 year old car isn't going anywhere any time soon seeing how I can't afford a new car (I have better things to spend money on, namely textbooks, gas, tuition, and food,) and it is the newest car my family owns.