Originally Posted by justme1969
I drive the speed I need to get to where Im going when I need to be there.
I leave when I can to achieve that goal If your the butt head rolling 35 mph in a 55 zone so you can save 2-3 cents doom on you! whatever makes anyone think thier so special they can torment others while driving Ill never understand. If im holding someone up I make attempts for them to go on but now at risk to myself or others. If someone is slowing me up same exact result. Its the I own the road and dont give a darn for others at all that make me want to drive my giant suburban over them or grab park brakes for the ignorant zippity doos. Every one drive like me so we will all get along lol.
Is that a typo in the bold part? If so that one little typo changed the context of the whole sentence.