I apologize for the mistake, not the pin 3 and 9 but 3 and 11.
Originally Posted by t vago
Not sure if you mean "pins 3 and 9" on your AtMega2560. On the AtMega328 (and presumably earlier chips), brightness is mapped to Port B bit 1, which is pin 15; and contrast is mapped to Port D bit 6, which is pin 12.
I meant the atmega 328, Port D bit 3, pin 5, and Port B bit 3, pin 17.
The statement 3 and 11, is that recorded on board the arduino uno, so does the pins 9 and 10 of the Arduino Mega, once again I apologize for the confusion, I usually use the sheets with pinout of pighixxx.com , and this is reason to use that number and not the actual number of pins of the atmega chip.
This information was gathered from this site:
Arduino 101: Timers and Interrupts | Let's Make Robots!
I leave here also the image of the pinout atmega 328 I use

Might be useful to someone
Thank you
José Rodrigues