The 1720# HF has no folding feature :-) I plan some welding and a lot of modifications to reduce weight. I'm being talked into the convex shape, your comment about putting the curve on the back of the Jetta is tempting, since I will be fairing the back anyway. I may just do a square front and then try different shells attached to the front of the trailer for experiments. The square would be easiest to build and then I could make the shell I like the best permanent. The shell would cover the batteries, propane, and storage in the front of the trailer.
I'm only into the trailer $270 and can mod if for weight much easier than finding another one.
Thanks for the other points I am considering all input carefully.
2004 Jetta GLS TDI Sportwagen. 2007 Prius, 2005 Colorado Crew Pickup.