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Old 09-01-2013, 02:07 PM   #1 (permalink)
The PRC.
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Are there too many "stooshies" around just now ?

I've been more an observer of late rather than a poster - hooray maybe quite a few tap - good for you.

Just a quick browsing of various forums seems to reveal a worrying trend - there are quite a few that seem to descend into what the locals near me in Scotland call "a bit of a stooshie" - an argument, a tiff, a disagreement, a blazing row - or also what Rugby players (Rugby - think American "Football" but without the wuss like padding ) would call a "ruck".

Now I'm not known to avoid one myself - at least I am self-aware - but I try to "play the ball and not the man" but I'm wondering if there is something in the water just now causing all these disputes ?

And more productively can we do something to avoid them ?

Or maybe its just me sampling at a bad time.

[I]So long and thanks for all the fish.[/I]
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