I stayed up later than I wanted last night trying to do schoolwork, but everything seems to go wrong for me, and I still do not even have the software installed that I need for the assignment.
I have always had great difficulty with motivation. I stared out my sixth week of exercise with the same dismal results that I have had from the beginning, which is demotivating, but I tried to push myself harder, figuring that I would not see results otherwise.
Despite my lack of motivation, I wasted little time, put a clean t-shirt in the freezer, and at eight in the morning, it was already 91°F with 39% humidity.
I failed my run by over four minutes, changed my shirt, and quickly soaked the new one, fresh out of the freezer. According to my scale, I lose a couple of pounds each time that I run--I was down to 210.6, and usually the sweat evaporates before I get weighed after a PT test.
What kind of relationship do you think there is between ambient temperature and run time? If there is an inverse relationship between run speed and temperature in Kelvin, I will lose one minute from my atrocious run this morning and my PT test October 18th.
I ran two miles as fast as I could, then went another three blocks, about a quarter mile.