Thread: AFRuino?
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Old 06-27-2008, 03:10 AM   #6 (permalink)
needs more cowbell
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In concept it is that simple. It would be good to double check how much current your LAF is handling with the car computer, how much it can handle total, and how much you will be adding with the guino pin. The chip is replaceable in comparison to the LAF.

There is of course some programming involved regardless. The quick and easy way is to hijack a screen with most of what you want on it and put the AFR in a corner. like on the instant/tank screen, display the AFR instead of the mph (I assume you have a speedometer)

Also you can map it to an actual AFR on the display but memory is a little tight at the moment, so if you just remember where stoic is and some target AFRs are in terms of 0 to 1023 then that'll get you there quicker, analogRead will return 0-1023. Multiply it by 1000 and pass it to format then to lcd.print() where we are currently printing instant.mph()

Or slap another guino together and go to town :

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