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Old 09-02-2013, 10:25 PM   #111 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by roosterk0031 View Post
My cars all lose some MPG with E blends, but not all as much as the BTU content says they should. My wife former drive a 2002 Suburban fuel logs on fuelly one for E85 other for E10......2.50 E85 went in all my cars this weekend, only Impala is FFV.
I know nothing of E85 or any gasoline engines that are tinkered with to get ethanol to perform better in such engines. But my years(decade?) of records with 3 gasoline engined cars, designed & built to burn 100% gasoline, comparing 100% gasoline & 10% ethanol blends, show increases of 8%, 7% & 5% mpg, when using 100% gasoline. All engines run smoother, quieter, & with extra "low rpm torque" burning 100% gasoline. One engine that I was thinking of "tinkering" with to improve performance, once 100% gasoline was used, no longer needed any "tinkering".

All you can brag about is that ethanol loses mpg...... what?...... with E85 engines(adjusted for ethanol?). I powerfully suspect, none of your "records" cover years(decades) of performance tanks....... what, a few months....... weeks..... a couple tanks. No wonder, the ethanol industry has been able to stuff ethanol into our national gasoline stocks, with so called auto experts pushing ethanol mis-information into websites.

Last edited by litesong; 09-02-2013 at 10:45 PM..
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