Originally Posted by t vago
Window Filter - Instantaneous Fuel Economy may jump around, due to OBDII engine computer algorithms that check catalytic converter efficiency, and replenish the oxygen content of the NOX catalyst. Adds an 8-element filter that smooths out instantaneous fuel economy readings. Adds the ability to enable or disable this ability via stored setting. Adds 304 bytes to the code size.
Chrysler MAP correction - Adds the ability to correct instantaneous fuel injector pulse readings by a generated factor that is based off of MAP sensor readings. This is needed on late model Chrysler vehicles that have a constant fuel system pressure, as this translates directly into variable fuel injector differential pressure that the MPGuino is not normally capable of addressing. Adds 7 stored settings. Adds 1548 bytes (so far). This is a work in progress.
One question. Are you reading OBD? As i remember MPGuino has just two input signals. Pulse from injector and pulse from VSS. So how do you get MAP readings or why do you need OBDII filtering?
Anyway I trully appreciate your effort and hoping that I'll be able to test your code soon. It has so many great features.