Originally Posted by AndrzejM
One question. Are you reading OBD? As i remember MPGuino has just two input signals. Pulse from injector and pulse from VSS. So how do you get MAP readings or why do you need OBDII filtering?
I am directly reading the raw MAP sensor voltage using ADC1. That's an extra wire going from my MPGuino hardware. Looks like I'll have to add a separate MAP sensor that would be configured solely as a barometric sensor, to measure absolute atmospheric pressure (this will go to ADC2 via a separate wire). This is important, because my fuel pressure regulator regulates fuel to 58 psig above absolute atmospheric pressure, and the MAP sensor itself returns readings in absolute atmospheric pressure.
Originally Posted by AndrzejM
Anyway I trully appreciate your effort and hoping that I'll be able to test your code soon. It has so many great features.
Thank you so much. It means a lot to see this.
I had meant to have some sort of release candidate available for today, but the code I edited last night locked up for no discernable reason, no matter what combination of features I enabled. So, I'm going through the code again, this time with the MPGuino sitting right beside me so I can test the code as I remove features and insert #IFDEF statements.