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Old 09-04-2013, 02:37 PM   #20 (permalink)
Not Doug
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Originally Posted by Occasionally6 View Post
Xist, your diet doesn't sound very good. An entire chocolate cake? Fast food, even if it isn't the worst type? Kool-Aid? Gatorade? Slim Fast Protein? Even consuming some good stuff (vegetables) doesn't make up for the bad.
Woah! Hey now! I said:

It was a big cake. It was still big after I was feeling sick, but I am stubborn, so I went on my run.
I ate enough to feel sick, but most of it was still left, and then I ran and threw up. That was five years ago. I hardly ever eat stuff like that and I try to keep the portions small.

As for Gatorade and Kool-Aid, as I mentioned before, I was reserving that conversation for a trained medical professional who will actually listen to me.

Listen to music while you run. It pumps you up, it takes your mind away from the pain and gives you an automatic means of timing your progress along your run route.
I am preparing for a PT test where I will be prohibited from utilizing an iPod.

You can also try: run for your allotted time and heart rate, then walk until recovered, then run again. Repeat a third time if you wish (or are feeling good enough after the first two).
I have considered that, but it is usually too warm when I run the first time.

To mix it up, climb stairs. Even done slowly that will be a hard workout if you climb high enough.
My knees!

You can even figure out what your power output is if you know your weight and how far you've climbed over what time: Power (w) = {height (m) x g (9.81 m/s^2) x body mass (kg)}/ time taken (secs).
Woah! You want me to do math?! Are you crazy?! Get out of my thread right now! :P

Just kidding. I enjoy math, sometimes I even attempt to do math while exercising, but I usually struggle just to count.

(I don't know what the units are in Imperial measurement - pounds and feet plus a conversion factor to get HP? - but the equation is the same. Find a stair well in a tall building and measure the height of one flight using a tape and multiply to get the height of how many floors you climb).
Boo. I do not care too much for Imperial. I understand metric. I live five blocks from the building where I have most of my classes. It is five stories and one of the highest in the area. Why don't I just climb to the top, release a water balloon, and time the fall?

Maybe I should release several balloons and figure out the average.

You also need to rest properly. That is when the adaptation to the stress you are imposing will occur. Walk - speed walk - every second day as part of the recovery process. (~6 km/h is indeed about right for a speed walk.)
I did not get to bed until just before midnight, trying to finish an assignment for school. I was not up late because it took that long, I was up late because I found a new distraction and had difficulty staying away. Then I looked at the weather, and it was supposed to be coolest at 0500.

For the love of Macguver!

So, I set my alarm for 0430 so that I could do push-ups and sit-ups before the run. My goodness! It took me a long time to turn off that alarm! It was completely dark outside and, of course, I just went back to bed.

Strange, even with Zzzquil, but without melatonin, I still tossed and turned in bed, and got really bored and frustrated, but it took me way too long to get out of bed when I did wake up.

It is 96° outside! Shouldn't that be motivation enough?!

I'm not convinced melatonin (or anything else) is a good thing to be trying. Is there a medical reason for using it? If not, if I can't sleep I find some light-medium level exercise to get a bit of a 'glow' happening works.
As a Soldier, I can walk into the aid station, tell them that I have difficulty sleeping, and they will throw sleep aids at me. A friend started taking those years ago and she told me to absolutely not ever take them, but supposedly Zzzquil is magical and stuff. If I do not take it, I toss and turn all night. When I fall asleep, I wake up a short time afterward, and I am a wreck the next day. Instead, I use Zzzquil and my life is a wreck.

I should do something about that.

Let me see if I can get to the end of that site first.

I am an American! I have an excuse for everything!

Last edited by Xist; 09-04-2013 at 02:38 PM.. Reason: I am an American! I have an excuse for everything!
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