Originally Posted by justme1969
We hit triathelon and road racing events sometime 2 a week.
Had a fellah who would not carb load night b4 but guzzle a 12 oz coke about 15 minutes prior. This was his carbo load and it worked well 4 him.
I couldnt do it just the burping while on the bike was too much of a chore.
I often belch when I exercise, but I could not tell you why. I very rarely drink soda.
I went to the supermarket last night to get melatonin and give muesli a try. It seemed like it took me forever to find most of the ingredients for the muesli recipe that I found and when I did, there was a bag of muesli right with everything else!
I looked at it, tried to guess if the end product was more expensive than the ingredients, finally bought it, and came home. I set my alarm for 0530, thought that it would come too soon, and started tossing and turning.
So, I kind of woke up a few times. I thought that it was still dark. Besides, I set my magical mystical alarm clock in shining armor!
After a while I realized that I must not have turned the alarm "On." I do not have any idea how many times I have made that mistake! Why would you ever change the time of an alarm, but not want it to go off?!
I have an appointment on-campus at 09. Right now I am just hoping that my roommate gets out of the shower in time for me to take one.
He has amazing timing!