Not Doug
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Location: Show Low, AZ
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Xist's log, supplemental.
My parents kept asking me to drive up and help around the house after annual training. I was frustrated that I was away from home for a few weeks and my parents wanted me to immediately leave again, but I enjoyed helping them. I tried to take care of things, I finally returned to the VA, although I did not have any idea where I had left off, so I could not really pick up. I was told to get my blood drawn in the ER to see if I had diabetes. The Physician's Assistant told me that my blood sugar was right where we wanted it after a twelve-hour fast.
Of course, I had not been told to fast. I told her that I had eaten breakfast, lunch, and drank a couple of quarts of Gatorade. She did an about-face, came back, and told me to go to the lab the next day, where they drew more blood, and when I was back in-town, I picked several pages of codes and numbers.
Ah, okay. Thanks!
One of my friends, who was a medic, and currently works in a clinic, looked at the paperwork, and told me that I was in excellent health.
Thanks! A lot of help you are!
So, allegedly not diabetic or hypoglycemic, which the PA had suggested.
I talked to a psychiatrist and an MD. The latter gave me some prescriptions, one for "mood," which is supposed to help my focus and\or memory in 4-6 weeks, and the other is for "itchiness," which is supposed to help me sleep.
Of course, I have not seen any results from the first medication yet. I tried the second one once and just went back to melatonin and Zzzquil.
School is not starting out well. I missed the first two days and I simply feel lost, but that might have something to do with one class having another as a pre-requisite, and a third class having the course in which I earned a "D" as a pre-requisite. Now that I have my computer situation mostly figured out, I take my 18" brand-new laptop to class, because it is the world's largest audio recorder.
I do not take notes, I try to listen to the professor and hope to remember. I do not know how much good it has ever done me, but this is the first time that I cannot find study material for these classes, not that those were good students, or what worked for them would work for me.
It does not take me that long to do six sets of push-ups (and five sets of sit-ups) or run, but it takes me so long to cool down, stop sweating, and feel like my brain is somewhat useful again, and I keep discussing how to improve my run.
I feel like I am more focused on that than on school!
I do not know how much good it will do, but I need to type up my recordings. I have only done one reading. I quickly wondered whether my summer was too long or too short--I was completely out of practice reading a textbook, but had not necessarily had a sufficient break!
My college (Speech and Hearing Sciences) asked students to participate in a study, which was worth 3% of my semester grade in extra credit. They are comparing the memory of Veterans to civilians and honestly, I think that I did fairly well, but the lady is going to request approval to bring me back for further testing, and try to get assistance through ASU.
When some of my professors announced that notetakers were needed, I asked each of them if I could access the notes, but since I do not have an official diagnosis, it seems like I am at an impasse until I can get one. I planned on contacting both my university and the VA to see about ADHD testing (for the third time!).
However... talking with the extra credit lady (a research scientist), she said that in order for the VA to give me a prescription, I need a diagnosis!
I do admit that much of it comes down to time management and while I can easily waste all day surfing the web, the Internet does not intentionally and maliciously attempt to ruin my life.
Girls, however, well, how in the world would I know what they are doing or what they want?! All that I know is that several times, one of them has persuaded me to allow them to visit "quickly" the night before a test. I enjoy their company, so I have difficulty asking them to leave after fifteen minutes, but the only thing that seems to matter to them is whatever they feel a relationship is, while I have a completely different idea, which includes intelligent conversation, and I just feel that they are selfish.
Meanwhile, I allow them to distract me from school.
I do not know how much better this is, but I have all but ignored the girls who want to talk to me forever, then come over and do whatever stupid cute couple stuff forever, etc.
To be honest, I really feel that I should have broken up with each of them months ago.
Well, I have almost finished my oat bag--muesli! I need to get to school and learn something or whatever.
Please enjoy your days!